Benefits for Members & Students - Society Members

The Ηellenic Society ‘MikroΒioΚosmos’ currently comprises of over 150 full and 50 associate members.

Member eligibility: Full members should have at least 3 publications in national or international peer-reviewed journals or should have been awarded a PhD in research fields mentioned in the Society’s statute: Εnvironmental Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Microbial Genomics, Bioinformatics and Microbial Biotechnology. Areas of interest to the Society also include Agricultural Microbiology, Food Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Genetics, Bioenergy, Systems’ and Synthetic Biology, and other closely relevant fields. Researchers with a BSc degree that actively engage in aforementioned areas but do not fulfill the criteria for full membership are welcomed in the Society as associate members.

Registration procedure for eligible members: To register in MikroBioKosmos, the applicant should provide a filled application form (please click here) and a short CV in English, to the Society’s Secretary via e-mail. In the application, two full members of the Society that support the applicant’s registration should be denominated. After application approval by the Board of Directors and prior to registration completion, the new member should proceed to deposit the annual fees, which are 30€ for full and 15€ for associate members, via bank transfer (Piraeus Bank,  GR77 0171 8500 0068 5014 7547 558, SWIFT BIC: PIRBGRAA) and e-mail the payment receipt to the Society’s Treasurer.

All registered members are kindly reminded to take care of their annual dues on a regular basis.

Contact info:  Chrysoula Tassou (, Secretary; Savvas Genitsaris (, Treasurer.